i feed these pigs with kangkong from our pond . sometimes kitchen scraps, ipil-ipil leaves, banana trees, fruits(seasonal),,,whichever is available in the farm. sometimes i buy spent grains and darak if food is scarce.i just add molasses for vitamins-minerals supplement and for a tasty feed. pigs that acquire disease or sickness i cull instantly. i belive that these animals should be tough like in the wild. if i would treat sick animals with antibiotics i would not have tough genes. i have these native pigs for at least 5 years now starting from a pair from bicol and a pair from isabela. survival of the fittest is my motto in animals that i breed that includes my fightingcock and goats. i dont vaccinate them and dont give anything when born. just good shelter, good range and good food.our pair from BICOL produces piglets that have white feet, from time to time piglets come polka dots in a batch. they have more muscles and grow larger than the ISABELA. they look more of our commercial pigs and are easier to tame.
our pair from ISABELA produces pure black and fast piglets. we couln't catch them at day 2. fast runners. more wild and agile but smaller. their built are not as muscular as the BICOL but their face are more agressive and fearsome. they look like more of our "baboy-damo".
Key Points:
-We don't confine the pigs like in modern farms. our pens are used for our boars for breeding. LArge Pens are used for breeding.
-The pigs are outside nearly all the time, including rainy days, with access to fresh air and space to run and play. Roams freely 24/7 we just provide some shed.
-The pigs do not receive any hormones. We don't use antibiotics sub-therapeutically to promote growth. sick animals instantly culled.
-Most males will get castrated - unless they will be intended for breeding.
-Only castration and ear notch is made in the pigs body. no removing of teeth or tail.
for more pics:http://samfarm.multiply.com/
videos of piglets:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEk0HaUJsSk
videos of pigs eating grass:
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